

Emerald Heights College Library, which collectively support for teaching, research and extension programs of the institute.


The Library endeavor excellence in learning, research and teaching in the college through student-centered learning environment that provides information and services to its users.


Using technology for the flexibility of services and resources to the users. To select, acquire, organize, preserve and provide access to library materials and resources. Providing tools that are required for independent thinking and lifelong learning of the users.


  • Silence, decorum and discipline should be maintained in the library.
  • No personal belongings are permitted inside the library.
  • Only plain papers can be taken inside the library for any reference work.
  • Use of mobile phones in the library is strictly forbidden.
  • Library books should be handled with utmost care. Marking of any kind on the pages or folding of pages, corners or such acts are strictly forbidden. Mishandling or damage to the books will invite penalty.
  • If any book issued by the library is lost or misplaced, the concerned borrower should replace the same with the latest edition of the book. Failure to replace will invite a penaltyof twice the cost of the book.
  • If the book is not returned on or before the due date, an overdue fine of One Rupee per day will be charged.
  • The Library provides Photocopying service at a nominal cost.
  • Reference books, journals, back volumes, project report, etc. will not be available for issue to anyone.
  • Laptops may be used inside the library (with the audio muted).
  • No library material can be taken out of the library without proper entry and permission.


  • OPAC Service
  • Online Resources access Service
  • CD-ROM Search Service
  • Lending Service
  • Reference Service
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Information Display Service
  • Readers guidance and User Orientation Programme
  • Open Access Service.
  • Xerox/Photocopying service


  • Computerized Library.
  • Collection of Books, Journals and Magazines.
  • Major Collections of E-books, E-Journals and E-databases access through LAN.
  • Free Internet Access to access E-mails and Academic and Non Academic Web sites.
  • Digital Library used for accessing E-Resources.
  • Digital Collections of Audio  and Video materials


Category DescriptionData
1. Books23444
2. Back Volumes of Journals176
3. Non Book Material171
4. Reference Books1063
5. News papers3
6. Journals6
7. Magazines1
8. Online DatabaseINFLIBNet

Membership Card

Category of Membership             No. of Books       Lending Period
Students Under Graduate  0315 days
Students Post Graduate  0315 days
Faculty Teaching1030 days  
Non Teaching Staff0530 days  

Librarian                 : Dr. B. Vimala, M.L.I.S., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

Area of the Library : 1320 sq feet

Seating capacity :   35